Alua Content Provider Agreement

This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between ALUA USA LIMITED ("Site") and the undersigned content creator ("Content Creator"). By signing up and using our services, the Content Creator agrees to the terms outlined below, as well as to all the Terms of Service of Alua:

  1. Consent and Certification

    1. I, the Content Creator, certify that I am of sound mind and body, acting of my own free will, and fully understand the terms of this document and the Terms of Service of Alua. I am legally able to execute this document.

    2. I have voluntarily agreed to create, upload, and share photographs, videos, or other content ("Content") on the Alua platform. I confirm that my participation in creating this Content is of my own volition, without any coercion or duress.

    3. I fully comprehend the explicit nature of the Content and the platform's purpose. I consent to appear in the Content, which may include full, partial nudity, non-nude, and engaging in explicit acts.

    4. Alua has verified my age by examining a valid government-issued identification containing a recent, unaltered photograph, date of birth, expiration date, and full legal name. I am at least eighteen (18) years old, or above the legal age of consent in my jurisdiction.

    5. The government identification I provided is authentic, unexpired, and unaltered.

    6. At the time the Content featuring me was created, I was at least eighteen (18) years old or above the legal age of consent in my jurisdiction.

    7. I hereby agree and warrant that the use of the services provided under this Agreement, including but not limited to the upload, distribution, and sale of content, shall at all times comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and card scheme rules. Furthermore, I agree to adhere strictly to all rules and guidelines set forth by credit card associations and schemes (including, but not limited to Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover).

    8. I shall secure and maintain on file the express written consent of all individuals depicted in any content uploaded to the website(s). This consent must explicitly permit the public distribution of the content, including its uploading to the website(s). Failure to obtain and retain such consent will result in the immediate removal of the content and termination of this Agreement.

  2. Grant of Permission

    1. I grant Alua permission to use, reproduce, sell, license, distribute, and publish the Content on the Alua platform.

  3. Online Publication and Accessibility

    1. I authorize Alua to upload, publish, and display the Content on the Alua platform. The Content may be sold, marketed, and made accessible on the Site, its subdomains, or affiliated websites operated by Alua.

  4. Searchability

    1. I acknowledge that the Content may be searchable by Alua's users and third-party search engines.

  5. Compliance and Verification

    1. I grant Alua permission to provide a copy of the government identification referred to above to its operators or agents for compliance purposes related to the Content.

    2. I understand that Alua's operators may need to disclose my government identification to comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal processes, or governmental requests.

    3. I release and hold harmless Alua from any claims, liability, costs, losses, damages, or injuries arising from my participation in the Content on the Site.

  6. Responsibility and Risk

    1. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for the nature of the Content I create and share on Alua. I assume all risks associated with my participation in the Content.